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Register | Social Summit - Youth Torch | 4th May 2021

4 mai 2021 10:00-12:00

Event details

Brussels, 3 May 2021

  • To the members of the ETUC Youth Committee
  • FOR INFORMATION: To all ETUC member organisations

Dear colleagues,

We would like to kindly remind you to register for the online gathering ahead of Social Summit in Porto.

On 4 May at 10:00 CET the Portuguese Minister of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security, Ana Mendes Godinho, will open an event dedicating space to young people who want to send their message to leaders in Porto Social Summit.

Our Europe is a social Europe.

Europe that on one hand offers opportunities for personal growth and development and on another protects its citizens.  The race to the bottom, makes the precarious work flourish, systemic lack of access to social protection is now visible more than ever before, and currently applied emergency measures are insufficiently covering sectors where young workers are overrepresented.  

There is a lot that EU leaders have to hear before they gather in Porto.

  • The European Commission was not bold enough when presenting the Action Plan for the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights. The positive narrative is not accompanied by strong actions, particularly when it comes to young workers. 

  • EU can not fund precarity!! All workers and unemployed should have access to social protection, including young people. We must put in place quality standards, they must be binding for all jobs created under EU and National recovery plans.

  • The familiar measures such as short term and zero-hours contracts did not work in the recovery period in 2013 and they will surely not work now. We need quality standards for jobs and we need to stop financing precarity in the name of lowering unemployment numbers.

Join the discussion with delegates to the summit: 

Ana Mendes Godinho, Portuguese Minister of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security  

Ludovic Voet,  ETUC 

Agnes JongeriusMEP S&D Group

María Rodríguez Alcázar, European Youth Forum 

Piotr Sadowski,  Social Platform

Interpretation will be available in English, Spanish, Italian, French and Portuguese.

Register and share the event within your network!

Kind regards,

Ludovic Voet

ETUC Confederal Secretary