Urgent : Letter of ETUC to the members of COREPER calling on for an ambitious Directive on improving working conditions in platform work in the light of proposal of Czech Presidency

Brussels, September 23rd 2022

Dear Ambassadors,

We enclose to this circular an urgent call related to the latest developments at the level of the European Council on the proposal for a Directive on improving working conditions in platform work. 

ETUC is concerned about the proposal for a Council mandate prepared by the Czech Presidency of the European Union, and which will be discussed at the meeting of the Social Questions Working Party of next Monday (September 26th).

We hereby encourage you to undertake an ambitious stand in favour of a strong Directive providing for a general presumption of employment at this meeting and throughout the legislative procedure.

Our analysis and demands are detailed in the attached letter.

We remain at your disposal for any questions.

Best regards,


Luca Visentini

ETUC General Secretary


Ludovic Voet

ETUC Confederal Secretary