
Reminder : Learning seminar – Time for Quality Jobs, 10-11th July Rome, Italy 2023

Berlin 26th May 2023

Dear Members, 

This is the last reminder to register for the second learning seminar of ETUC project Time for Quality Jobs. 

Registration will close on 2nd June. 

I remain at your disposal for further questions,






Brussels, 11th May 2023


  • To: Members of the Youth Committee

Dear Members of the Youth Committee,

In the framework of the European Project  “Time for quality jobs”, we invite you to a seminar on 10-11 July 2023, in Rome Italy with a regional focus on the following countries in the southern European region: Spain, Italy, France, Portugal, Greece. 

Please find attached the invitation with details about the project and draft agenda. You can register for the event via this link.

This invitation is for member organisations from the countries mentioned above. If you are not targeted by this invitation but are still interested to participate in the seminar, please contact our secretariat.

Please note that European Commission introduced new rules for reimbursement, please read them carefully. 

European federations are invited to circulate the invitation among their members from those countries.

For any information please do not hesitate to contact Niklas Franke, ETUC Project Officer at [email protected].  

Kind regards

Ludovic Voet

ETUC Confederal Secretary