ETUC is concerned about the situation in Ukraine

Brussels, 25/11/2004

The ETUC is deeply concerned about the situation in Ukraine following allegations of massive fraud in the Presidential elections that bring into question the results officially declared by the National Election Commission.

ETUC General Secretary, John Monks, said: “these developments are a blow at a time when the European Union is seeking to develop an area of good neighbourliness throughout the European continent, based on shared fundamental values based on human dignity, liberty, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights.”

The ETUC joins with the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions in supporting the call of the Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Ukraine (CFTUU) for a thorough review of the election process. It calls on the Ukrainian authorities to provide full clarification concerning the conditions under which the election process took place, to answer the allegations of fraud, and in particular to investigate reports of blackmail and pressure being placed on workers to vote for Yanukovich. The country's Supreme Court, which has officially been notified of the issue, should fulfil its mandate with full independence and objectivity.

Communiqué de presse