Today, the European Commission has published its first ever LGBTIQ strategy.
ETUC Confederal Secretary Ludovic Voet commented
"ETUC strongly supports the European Commission's commitment to LGBTIQ equality. The equality strategy is a welcome proposal and deserves support. ETUC firmly believes that there is an urgent need for the EU and national governments to step up their efforts to improve and enforce legal protection against LGBTIQ discrimination, to ensure LGBTIQ safety and guarantee LGBTIQ rights.
"The timing of this initiative is also welcome. Blatant attacks on the rights of LGBTIQ people become more frequent -progress of anti-discrimination legislation has come a halt and existing protection erodes due to a backlash from forces of intolerance. The Polish "LGBT free zones" or Hungary's recent move to further restrict adoption for same sex couples are just two examples. The COVID -19 pandemic is making the already precarious living situation of the most marginalized, e.g. intersex, trans and non-binary people even worse.
"The ETUC commits to increase its work with national trade unions to support LGBTIQ equality in work, and to press MEPs and Ministers to get an effective LGTBIQ equality strategy adopted by the EU."
"There are still too many barriers for LGBTIQ people to be out and safe in the workplace. Intersex persons, as well as trans and non-binary people face discrimination at the workplace. The ETUC fights for inclusive workplaces, where a person's sexual orientation and gender identity or expression must never be a barrier to decent working conditions and a safe working environment. The ETUC is looking forward to contributing to the announced report on the application of Employment Equality Directive that will be published in 2022."