• 05.10.2018 Press release

    World Day for Decent Work – ‘Changes the rules’: TO DO list for EU

    World day for Decent Work
    The current European Commission and Parliament have until May 2019 to ‘change the rules’ to promote decent work for people across the EU who are getting increasingly disillusioned over precarious work, poor wages, and growing inequality. After the European elections in May 2019 at there is likely to be considerable change in the make-up of the two European institutions. The ETUC has drawn up a handy TO DO list, to be delivered by the current and future EU institutions, to mark World Day for Decent Work whose theme this year is ‘Change the rules’.
  • 28.09.2018 Press release

    ETUC solidarity with Ryanair workers on strike today

    Solidarity with Ryanair workers on strike
    "The strength of feeling among Ryanair workers is clear. Ryanair must commit to serious negotiations with the workers’ trade unions and stop its ongoing attacks on their right to unionise," said Luca Visentini, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation.
  • 26.09.2018 Press release

    Stand up for our rights

    Banner Stand Up Social Pillar
    ‘Stand up for the Social Pillar’ is the message coming out of the European Parliament today.   A new group - bringing together social NGOs, trade unions, pro-European organisations, and social economy enterprises and organisations - is meeting up today with MEPs from the two largest political groups, senior Commission officials  and an audience of over 120 people to discuss how to get Governments and EU institutions to put the European Pillar of Social Rights into practice.
  • 25.09.2018 Press release

    Canadian and European trade unions: EU is breaking promises on CETA

    Liina Carr
    Upcoming meeting in Montreal provides an opportunity to address growing concerns On the first anniversary of CETA’s implementation, trade unions on both sides of the Atlantic are warning that the trade deal is not a ‘model’ agreement and say it is time for an immediate review.
  • 24.09.2018 Press release

    Fighting Cancer Should not be a Trade Secret

    Fighting occupational cancer
    The European Commission, Governments, employers and trade unions today agreed at a conference organised by the Austrian Presidency in Vienna to extend their collaboration to fight work-related cancers . The initiative aimed at sharing workplace practices that prevent exposure to carcinogens in the workplace was launched in Amsterdam in May 2016 with ETUC, BusinessEurope, the European Commission, the European Agency for Safety & Health at Work and two EU countries (Netherlands and Austria).
  • 21.09.2018 Press release

    National UPdates n°10 - September 2018

    Cover National UPdates September 2018
    Dear readers, We’re pleased to publish the latest edition of Workers’ Voice National UPdates, demonstrating how national and sectoral trade union organisations in different countries and industries are taking a constructive role in promoting social progress and justice in Europe, often working in cooperation with employers, governments and civil society organisations. In this issue, trade union activities range from brightening the lives of disadvantaged children to tackling intercommunal misunderstandings. 
  • 12.09.2018 Press release

    State of Union underplays social justice

    State of the Union speech 2018
    Commenting on Jean-Claude Juncker’s State of the Union speech, Luca Visentini, General Secretary of the European Trade Union said “We strongly support President Juncker’s call for the Pillar of Social Rights to be put into EU law, but social justice deserved far more than one sentence in the State of the Union speech.”
  • 10.09.2018 Press release

    #SOTEU 2018: Strong proposals are needed to restore social justice for working people, ETUC tells Juncker

    Commission President Juncker's State of the Union speech is due to take place on Wednesday 12 September 2018, and the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) urges him to deliver strong proposals on the future of Europe, to restore social justice, ahead of the EU elections. ETUC General Secretary Luca Visentini calls for a wide European alliance between parties, politicians, social partners and civil society organisations, to support democratic values and tackle populism, nationalism and racism.
  • 05.09.2018 Press release

    European Personal Pensions must guarantee savings says ETUC

    The ETUC calls for pension savings to be fully protected in the proposal for Pan-European Personal Pension which will now go to negotiations between the EU Institutions, following the vote in the EP’s Economic Affairs Committee earlier this week.   The Committee failed to ensure that PEPP providers would be required to guarantee workers’ pension savings when investing them on the financial market.
  • 21.08.2018 Press release

    Greece still needs to recover after “support programme”

    While welcoming the end of the EU’s Stability Support programme for Greece,  the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) warns that Greece’s problems are far from over, and needs a recovery plan to tackle unemployment, low wages and poverty.
  • 11.08.2018 Press release

    ETUC supports Ryanair workers

    Ryanair workers strike
    The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) supports the striking workers in Ryanair and their trade union organisations. “Workers throughout the EU are sick and tired of employers who don't play fair and who try to undermine hard fought for rights by picking and choosing between national employment legislation” said Luca Visentini, General Secretary of the ETUC.  
  • 23.07.2018 Press release

    ETUC condemns potential extremist attacks on European democracy

    The European Trade Union Confederation is gravely concerned by reports that far-right forces in the US, led by discredited former Trump adviser Steve Bannon, are planning to disrupt the 2019 European elections and work to destroy European integration. Said ETUC General Secretary Luca Visentini: “We deplore any attempt to undermine European democracy, in particular coming from outsiders who have no interest in the welfare of European countries and their peoples.